Dr. Miracle`s Kit Regular

Artikelnummer: 87477824

no-lye relaxer

Sofort lieferbar
Artikel Zustand: Neu
Hair relaxer that promotes strong, shiny, healthy hair. Thermaceutical complex
penetrates hair shaft, ending breakage while adding shine. "Feel It" formula is
the first hair care product that can actually be felt working. There are
thorough instructions on the product usage in each box that must be read and
followed scrupulously. It comes in regular and super strength. Strength choice
depends on how resistant the hair type is to the chemical relaxer. Most
importantly, before using a relaxer, a strand test must be performed to
determine how receptive the hair is to relaxing. Because hair texture changes,
this must be done before every new application. For protection from scalp
irritation there is a protective base solution to be applied to the scalp and
hairline. Everything needed to relax the hair is in the kit except for a comb
and a timer. The amount of time the relaxer remains in the hair must be closely
regarded. Most damage due to relaxers is because it was left on too long or
because it came in contact with the scalp.
Sofort lieferbar
10 - 15 EUR
Dr. Miracle`s

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24,72 € * 400 ml | 0,06 €/ml

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