
Growth Serum

Artikelnummer: 87537461
Gewicht: 0.05 kg
Sofort lieferbar
Artikel Zustand: Neu
 Biosmetics GROWTH Serum
Introducing the world's best GROWTH Serum.
Made by Biosmetics for those seeking head turning eyebrows and eyelashes! GROWTH is a cosmetic product that stimulates the natural growth of hair. In just 20 days your lashes will look longer, fuller, and more voluminous.
Our Biosmetics GROWTH Serum is a cosmetic product that stimulates the natural growth of hair. GROWTH Serum stimulates the hair's roots and extends the growth phase while delaying hair loss. Eyelashes and eyebrows gain fullness, thickness and length.
Before applying to eyelashes and eyebrows, please check your local health and consumer protection laws and read attached leaflet/instruction carefully!
Apply our Biosmetics GROWTH Serum sparingly once daily, ideally in the evening. Clean your face and the sensitive area around the eyes with the Hairpearl Lash n Brow Shampoo Foam and allow your skin to dry. Use our GROWTH serum sparingly. The quantity that clings to the applicator when removed is sufficient for both eyelids. Wipe the brush on the edge of the bottle several times and apply our GROWTH sparingly, never dripping wet!
Use on the eyelid (please see also attached leaflet):
Make sure that the eyelashes are clean and dry.

2.     With the eye closed, apply GROWTH to the upper lash line near the root of the eyelashes, similarly to an eyeliner.
3.     After application, wait until the serum has been fully absorbed and the eye area is dry again.
Use on the eyebrows (please see also attached leaflet):
Make sure that the eyebrows are clean and dry.

2.     With closed eyes, apply GROWTH along the brow line.
3.     After application, wait until the serum has been fully absorbed and the eye area is dry again.
Please keep all solutions in its original packaging, out of reach of children, in a dry place and under room temperature.

Sofort lieferbar
30 - 50 EUR

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